Because in 21 days, I will be in Mexico with three of my all-time favorite people, for the sole (or soul, if you prefer!) purpose of connecting to my heart, growing in an incredibly safe environment with remarkable people, and having an amazing time doing it. I know from the work I do with Jana that this retreat will be nothing less than absolutely LIFE-CHANGING. I can't freakin' wait, and I so want you all to come with me, so I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you all about it. As you read this, ask yourself, "when was the last time I did something totally for myself, my soul, and my heart?"
First of all, meet Miranda and Jana Saunders.

I already blogged about them and the life-changing work they do last week, but let me just say that they are two of the most intensely brilliant, kind, wise, fun people you could imagine. They are leading a retreat to "guide people to connect to their authentic selves so that they can live lives they passionately love. They help them connect with the deepest parts of who they are and their core values, release the subconscious blocks that keep them limited, and discover the true purpose for why they are here on the planet. People leave feeling clear, aligned, and empowered to create lives that match their hearts and souls." Sounds pretty sweet, right?
Next, meet Jennifer Pastiloff, expert yoga teacher.

Jen will be teaching 9 yoga classes in seven days on this trip, and let me tell you, her classes are incredible. They are pure joy, life-affirming, and as challenging as you want to make them. Plus, she herself is a spectacular human being who lights up any room she walks into.
Ok, so, those are the people leading this incredibly intimate, 10 person maximum retreat.
Now, let's talk about the place.
Here's the place.

Yeah, that's a view from one of the bedrooms. Not bad, right? The retreat is held in Sayulita, Mexico, a gorgeous town that has both all the luxuries you could want as a tourist as well as the the delights of a quaint, uncommercial Mexican village.
The retreat includes 17 delicious meals, prepared by a wonderful chef who owns two local restaurants. As someone who doesn't eat wheat, sugar, most dairy, or meat (that's a whole other blog post) I felt a bit concerned, but after talking to Miranda about it, I learned that the chef loves to take care of individual needs. It sounds like a small thing, but it's so lovely to go somewhere where I will not have to worry that there will be food for me. You stay in a beautiful room right near a gorgeous pool that overlooks the ocean. (I never thought that "in what body of water shall I swim in today" would be a tough choice! Answer: both!) It also includes a full-body massage, and (read this, New Yorkers!!!) time each day to relax, breathe, shop, create...and do anything your heart tells you.
This retreat is one of those opportunities to stop, look at your life, and find out how to live each day in joy and love, connecting to what you want and letting go of what you don't. When I first heard that, I thought it sounded fictional. Now I know it's completely true. My life, thanks entirely to the work that I do with these people, is a magical adventure today and every day, and I so want EVERYONE to be able to experience that.
There is still some space left on the retreat, and I so want you all to come. Please, check out the website, discoversoulspa.com, which has a lot more information. Also, feel free to call Jana and Miranda, at 818-487-8882 - you'll get a sense pretty darn quick why you will want to spend 7 days learning, growing and playing with them.
Finally, as a last bonus, for all NYC based people who sign up for the retreat, I am offering TWO FREE PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS (a $150 value!!) You can either come to my private, upper east side gym, or I will come and we will work in the comfort of your home. Because, hey, who doesn't want to look great in their bikini in MEXICO?
Below are some testimonials from past retreat participants.
So there. Now you know why I can't stop smiling.
I hope some of you will join me on this amazing adventure, and until then,
Live radiantly!
"Jana and Miranda guided me on an adventure into my soul, where I cleansed my old habits and beliefs and emerged clearly knowing who I am and what I truly need. I'm now living the life of my fullest potential."
Amy Jo Johnson - actor and writer
TV series leads: Flashpoint, The Division, Felicity
"I spoke with a friend about whether or not I could afford the retreat.
She responded, 'Well, it depends on how much you value your life.' I hung up and booked my flight."
Karine Plantadit - dancer, actor, life coach
Broadway leads: Come Fly With Me, Moving Out
"I want to shout from the mountaintops: EVERYONE NEEDS TO DO THIS RETREAT! It is the best thing I've ever done, and I can't believe I almost kept myself from doing it. It has absolutely and positively changed my life in the most practical and profound ways possible. I am taking actions and risks that I would have never thought possible, and the results are showing up in all areas of my life! The retreat is nothing less than extraordinary; a gift in its highest, purest form."
Erica Roman Levy, director and screenwriter