Saturday, May 9, 2009

Moments of Progress - The Battle of Westridge

I have another "blog" but it's more of a training log that has a "comments" section below it.  In it, I used to have a daily "moment of progress" - as someone who came from such a non-athletic background, but who is also a total perfectionist, it was suggested that I look at each day and find something good that I was doing, not just the struggles.  I did this for about a week, and gave up.
Yesterday, I had a great talk with Coach Robert about feeling like when it comes to athleticism, I am on the "special bus" - basically, there are real athletes, and then there is me.  He reminded me that there was no "asterisk" next to my race number at Wildflower, I attempted the same long-course as everyone else, and would easily have
 made it had I not been sick.  So, I'm back to the :: through gritted teeth :: bloody moments of progress.

I woke up today to go on my run, and felt disappoint
ed. Why? Because it's only six miles. The reason it's only six miles is a) I am starting my speed work, so need shorter sessions and b) my next race is an Oly, and I'm already quite comfortable with my run-base for the half-marathon. Still, it's cool to feel like, "Just six miles? Blech!"

I went to run up Westridge, and it's definitely harder this week than it was two weeks ago. 
If you don't know Westridge, I don't care what your level of fitness is, go do it now. Take the Sunset exit off the 405, left on Sunset, right on Mandeville Canyon, left on Westridge, and go all the way up till you can't go no more.  It's a spectacularly beautiful run, with unbelievably gorgeous views.
It's also a bitch. Very hilly, with a huge amount of sun exposure.  Totally worth it, but definitely a run that will make you come face to face with your level of fitness. However, I can't get enough of it, and this run inspired me to sign up for my first (official) half-marathon, which is a trail run.

Plan for today, 2 easy miles (no such thing as easy for me up Westridge) 2 hard (heart rate hit 187!!! AHH!!!) and 2 easy. I had breakfast too soon before the run, and it was a rather "collegiate" choice - a Starbucks sandwhich, with egg, cheese and reduced fat turkey.  40 minutes before the run, not a great choice. I had really bad cramping after the hard part, and had to waaalk (run) waalk the easy part.  

Rest of the day spent panicking, working...oh, and eating anything real for the first time at 5:30 pm. Not the greatest choice there either.


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